
大家好,如果您还对Takingchargeofthesituation不太了解 ,没有关系,今天就由本站为大家分享兵长利威尔经典语录?的知识,包括兵长利威尔经典语录?的问题都会给大家分析到 ,还望可以解决大家的问题 ,以上提供1重点下面我们就开始吧!

《takingchargeof?》“兵长利威尔经典语录???”	。
  1. 兵长利威尔经典语录?


1.“I am the leader. Follow me and together we will be strong. ”
2. “Don't be afraid to make mistakes,每日 be afraid not to try.”
3. “Leadership is not measured by taking charge, but by setting an example.”
4. “One person can make a difference in the world, don't underestimate yourself. ”
5. “A leader has faith in the people he leads, without it, nothing is possible. ”
6. “Leadership is about inspiring others to reach for their goals and dreams.”
7. “A leader isn't afraid to speak the truth, no matter how difficult it is to hear.”
8. “The greatest leaders are those that understand the power of unity and cooperation. ”
9. “A leader takes responsibility and is accountable for his or her decisions.”
10. “Leaders never give up, no matter the obstacles they face.”
